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Archive for July 1st, 2007|Daily archive page

Natalie Portman Wants to Stop the Killing in Rwanda – Of Gorillas!

In Celebrities, Celebrity News, Culture, Entertainment and Media, genocide, Hollywood, Rwanda on July 1, 2007 at 9:36 am

Natalie Portman publicly used her fame to express concern for the travesty happening in Rwanda, but instead of focusing attention on the 800,000 human beings massacred in the 1994 genocide, and those who continue to be killed, she and other celebs concentrated on gorillas.

Portman joined other international celebrities at a ceremony to provide names for 23 baby mountain gorillas living in Rwanda.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature there are only 720 mountain gorillas surviving in the wild, in parks that straddle Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo.

Don’t get me wrong I want to protect mountain gorillas from threats.

But let’s protect the humans first.