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Posts Tagged ‘Lohan’

Lindsay Lohan seeks restraining order against her dad

In Uncategorized on October 18, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Lindsay Lohan at a screening of “Inglourious Basterds” in New York.
(AP Photo/Peter Kramer, file)

Michael Lohan, father of troubled actress, Lindsay Lohan plans to meet with a judge to seek a conservatorship over his daughter. For the court to make Michael a conservator, he would have to establish that Lindsay is no longer able to handle her own affairs. Her father would then be in charge of her finances. But People magazine reports that Lindsay is looking to the courts to protect her from Michael. Linsay plans to obtain a restraining order against her father.


Lindsay Lohan: ‘I’ve Been a Target’

In Celebrities, entertainment, Hollywood, Movies, Show Business on April 26, 2009 at 10:03 pm

In what appears to be a pity ploy, Lindsay Lohan recently tried to explain why she’s having trouble finding work.

It’s not the ailing economy or any mistake she herself may have made.

No, according to Lindsay, she’s a victim of a media conspiracy.

In a recent appearance on the “Ellen” show, the “Mean Girls” star spoke of a specific gig she had lost.

“I had a really good opportunity with an amazing actor and it’s been put on hold because of this coverage that’s been coming out,” Lohan contended.

Somewhat disgusted, she added, “I didn’t get into this to be a celebrity on the cover of tabloids and I’ve been a target and I’m not that interesting but it’s distracting; it distracts people, studio heads, everyone – they get nervous.”

Someone should tell Lindsay that when execs read reports of eating disorders, drug abuse and unstable relationships, it’s their job to get nervous.

Still trying to make her case, Lohan had a message for her prospective Tinseltown employers.

“I’m ready to work and I’m responsible,” she said.